
Happy New Year👩🏻!


I’m Mari from Sakura An👩🏻!


Some of you may already know that I’ve been running a private salon for about 6 and a half years. It’s been a great journey, and my clients have made it truly special🥹

Recently, with the changes around due to COVID-19 and other factors, I started thinking about doing more. So, my focus shifted from healing those around me to wanting to help even more people.

Realizing I can’t do it alone, I’m teaming up with other therapists. I’ve used my savings to open a new ‘Sakura An’ in Asakusa on December 15, 2023.

↓ It’s now a lovely Japanese-modern salon!

Yesterday, my hometown faced a big earthquake, causing some family evacuations. In times like these, I feel being a therapist can really make a difference.

Though it won’t be an easy journey, I’m excited to connect with many seeking wellness. I’ll do my best to bring happiness to everyone😆✨


Cheers to 2024!

Wishing you all a wonderful year✨


Japanese Modern Aroma Massage
Sakura-an Asakusa Tokyo