
Morning Person? Night Person? Or…Just Tired from Jet Lag?✈️

This is Mari from Sakura-an👩🏻🌸!

To all our international travelers, welcome to Japan!

Whether you’ve just arrived at the airport or have been exploring all day, we understand how tiring travel can be. Jet lag can make it hard to know if it’s morning or night, and your body just needs some relaxation.

That’s why we offer massages at any time of the day to fit your needs!

Early morning massage after a long flight?
Perfect for starting your day feeling refreshed!😆

Our early morning customers often say:
“Starting the day relaxed makes the whole day better!”
“Relaxing in the quiet morning hours with deep breaths during the massage is pure luxury😊✨

For those who have been walking around and exploring all day, an afternoon massage is ideal. It’s a wonderful way to recharge and keep your energy up for more sightseeing.

As for me, I prefer midday (^o^)!
I love getting a massage around noon on my day off, enjoying the afterglow with a delicious lunch or a lovely tea time. It’s the perfect way to unwind^ ^

It’s less crowded on the train, and when I get home, I feel so relaxed and happy^ ^

If you’re a night owl or have been dealing with jet lag, a late-night massage can help reset your body clock and prepare you for a good night’s sleep.
Sometimes, I also get a massage after work if I finish early. It’s great to reset the day’s fatigue right away and avoid accumulating stress. I sleep soundly after that^ ^ (Though, I almost never have trouble sleeping! w)

At Sakura-an, we offer treatments morning, noon, and night!

We provide massages to fit your lifestyle, so feel free to visit us anytime (^o^)

And we have exciting news! We’ve increased our operating hours, and now we’re open from 8 AM to midnight on more days. Feel free to contact us anytime!

We’re also planning to add a new menu in June😊🙏
We’re introducing an “Aroma Lymphatic Massage + Tea Time Plan”!!! (Featuring upgraded mini afternoon tea or specialty teas).

Whether you come alone, with a friend, or as a couple, you can enjoy a relaxing massage followed by a delightful tea time.
If you need someone to chat with, I’d be happy to join you🥰🙏

Look forward to it!

Safe travels and we hope to see you soon✨


Tokyo Best massage salon
Sakura-an tokyo
