
Introducing Yuri, one of our staff members!😆

Hello, everyone!

I’m Chiyo from Sakura-an👩🏻🌸

Starting today, I’d like to talk about Yuri, one of the staff members at Sakura-an😆

Although I haven’t had many shifts with her and only met her for the first time in February, Yuri has a wonderful personality.

When we worked together, she taught me her skilled techniques and even provided thoughtful feedback and advice on my massages. I felt her warm kindness, and it made me really happy✨

Yuri is truly a radiant person with a pure and kind aura emanating from her. She is approachable, cheerful, and her ability to engage in friendly conversations makes her universally liked.

But what stands out most about Yuri is her respect for others. I personally believe her ability to seamlessly blend into each customer’s atmosphere and rhythm while maintaining a bright and welcoming demeanor is remarkable.

Her high level of hospitality ensures that every customer feels comfortable, and I find that truly wonderful✨

Thanks to Yuri’s influence, we as a team continue to improve ourselves, and Sakura An is headed towards an even brighter future.

We are grateful every day for the connections we make and for the support from our customers.

Thank you very much for always supporting Sakura-an🌸✨

Feel the wonderful healing of Japan at Sakura-An and refresh your body and soul.
Enjoy the tranquility✨!


Japanese Modern Aroma Massage
Sakura-an Asakusa Tokyo