
Amazing Benefits of Décolleté Massage😆

This is Mari from Sakura-an👩🏻🌸!

Today, I want to share with you the surprising benefits of décolleté massage, which is not just about feeling good!

Did you know that décolleté massage has a very high relaxation effect?

One of my favorite treatments, the décolleté area includes the lymph nodes around the collarbone and underarms. By massaging this area, blood circulation improves, which also enhances skin beauty🥰✨

Activating female hormones, it fills you with a soft sense of happiness😊

【Great Benefits of Décolleté Massage】

1. Relieves Neck and Shoulder Tension
Décolleté massage helps to relax the muscles in the neck and shoulders. It is perfect for relieving tension from long hours of desk work or using a smartphone^ ^

2. Beautiful and Defined Collarbone
By promoting the lymph flow around the collarbone, your collarbone will stand out more beautifully, achieving a lovely décolleté line.

3. Reduces Facial Swelling and Has a Small Face Effect
By massaging the lymph in the décolleté area, facial swelling is reduced, and a small face effect can be expected.

Recently, a teacher who used to train staff at a five-star hotel spa told me this story😊

“Do you know why we do décolleté massage? It’s so that women can always look beautiful in a décolleté dress when invited to a party by a man.”

↓A décolleté dress looks like this😊

What a romantic story 😊
Although I don’t have many chances to wear such dresses 🤣, it’s lovely to be someone who takes care of parts that are not usually visible.
I hope to help you with your beauty and health✨

By the way,
I recently received this scrub!

It’s a scrub from AGARISM. It’s great for the whole body, especially for dark spots, roughness, and dry acne on the buttocks^ ^
It can also be used as bath salts😊

When I tried it right away,
Indeed, my whole body became smooth (laugh)!!
There are so many interesting things in the world!

Wishing you all a wonderful day👩🏻✨

Tokyo Best Massage Salon

Sakura-an Mari