
🎥Behind the Scenes of Our Salon Photoshoot♪📷

Hello, this is Mari

from Sakura-an♪

Today, we had a professional photographer take some wonderful promotional photos of our salon☆ We invited a model and captured various scenes, including treatment photos, profile pictures, foot bath moments, and shots of our shop’s charming accessories✨

As for me, I finally got to try out the kimono rental and hair styling service at YUI, located on the second floor of the same building. I enjoyed the photoshoot dressed in traditional Asakusa-style attire😊✨

I snapped a few shots with my smartphone too♪

I can’t wait to share my first experience with kimono rental in a future blog post♪

I’m so excited to see the finished photos from the photographer! (We’ll receive the data in about a week😄)


Through these new promotional photos, I hope to convey the atmosphere of Sakura-an to both our loyal customers and those who have yet to visit us. We want everyone to feel the warm and welcoming vibes of our salon and our therapists✨

But above all, what makes Sakura-an special is our staff’s passion and enthusiasm for their work. We all truly enjoy what we do, and it shows!

Please come and feel our happy aura for yourself🥰🙏

Wishing you all a wonderful day☆

Aromatherapy Massage
Sakura-an Asakusa Tokyo